A biodegradable, phosphate-free, enzyme-based industrial laundry detergent

Product Description

EN-Z-KLEAN™ Ultra is a versatile enzyme-based liquid detergent that can be used in industrial and commercial laundry applications. It offers outstanding cleaning and stain removal power at cold and warm temperatures up to 65 °C (149 °F). It can be used as is, to target very heavy stains in industrial applications, or it can be diluted and sold as a commercial laundry detergent. An added benefit is that probiotics in EN-Z-KLEAN™ Ultra will continue working in washing machines, drains, and septic systems for ongoing cleaning and maintenance benefits after laundering is completed. EN-Z-KLEAN™ Ultra is produced with ingredients which are readily biodegradable and do not harm fabrics or hands. The detergent is environmentally friendly, phosphate-free, and safe for septic systems.

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